
CarmonaArt Technology Resources

Page history last edited by Corina Carmona 12 years, 5 months ago




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CarmonaArt Technology Resources






Enhance Lessons with Cool Web Tools Your Students will Enjoy


Need some easy technology tools that you and your students can use? Any subject, any grade level, you will find free web tools that adapt to your lessons.





From Readingrockets 

Table 1: Examples of Digital Stories

    Antarctica Resources 



How to Make Origami 

Learn to Draw Digital Sketchbook

Visual Arts:

Master Artist Series








Image Resources


For Students and Teachers



 Creative Commons     



Public Domain  

 Here are some links to websites that offer images that are licensed as Creative Commons.         Here are some links to websites in which you can access images that are public domain.  
Description Resource   Description 

a nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes

digital creativity sharing and innovation. 

Photos 8 a place for high quality stock Photos and Wallpapers, Large collection of high resolution stock photos, Thousands of high quality pictures, easy to search.
Wikipedia Commons
a database of 11,082,077 freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute.


EduPic Graphical Resource
free photos and graphics for education. 


The World Images Kiosk
provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project that contains more than 80,000 images. 


 Wylio   Free pictures for bloggers     






Student Resources


Description  Resource 
A free online Talking Dictionary of English Pronunciation.  There are currently 151958 entries in the dictionary. Tinypic Free image hosting site.  Upload pictures and get a link to share pictures with others.

Record your voice and share it with others.  No need to download a software or sign in, just go to the website, record your voice with a microphone and easily create a podcast.

Batlyrics  Allows you to search for song lyrics based on words and phrases with a video. Watch and listen to videos with a teleprompting screen with the lyrics of the song. A great listening material in the classroom. 
Batlyrics Allows you to search for song lyrics based on words and phrases with a video. Watch and listen to videos with a teleprompting screen with the lyrics of the song. A great listening material in the classroom.    
Tinypic Free image hosting site.  Upload pictures and get a link to share pictures with others.    

Is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you enter. Tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes.  Create a Wordle and use however you like. Print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with friends.





Teacher Resources


Resource Description Resource Description
HowJsay A free online Talking Dictionary of English Pronunciation.  There are currently 151,958 entries in the dictionary.  Jing
A simple and FREE way to enhance your fast-paced online conversations by creating images and videos of what you  have on your computer screen.  Share your ideas instantly!

Take Screenshots, record Screencasts on what you see and do on your monitor. 

Collaborate with Jing’s older siblings – Snagit and Camtasia - great for editing and enhanced sharing


Record your voice and share it with others.  No need to download a software or sign in, just go to the website, record your voice with a microphone and easily create a podcast.


Record your voice and share it with others.  No need to download a software or sign in, just go to the website, record your voice with a microphone and easily create a podcast.

APPitic A collection of 1,800 + apps for education (IPAD) Famigo Family friendly apps and games.  
Tinypic Free image hosting site.  Upload pictures and get a link to share pictures with others. Plagiarism Checker
A free plagiarism detection tool on the internet.
American Rhetoric A plethora of speeches—not downloadable, but video-streamed
Nature Songs  Lots of free nature sounds
Partners in Rhyme
Many free audio files but the clips are only a few seconds long
Select from 56 feelings or 76 music styles; short 10-second clips can be selected for movie introductions or credits, while longer clips can be used for the background of the narration
Magnatune A royalty-free music website for noncommercial projects only
Draw.to Create and share simple drawings instantly.
    fjfjd fjfjd

Web tool that blocks ads and banners on a website to easily share the links with your students.  Students can safely surf the net without clicking any inappropriate ads. 








Lesson Plans with Technology Integration

Subjects targeted by lesson Lesson Title  Grade Level  Description     
Social Studies, Computer Literacy   

The American Dream of the Decades

7 - 12  This unit the learner will  examine events and people of the United States in the 1900's focusing on a selected decade throughout the century.  This lesson incorporates individual and cooperative learning.  Each student will independently create a multimedia presentation through the viewpoint of a professional role in history, and stuents individual presentations will be combined to a group per decade.      




Jing Tutorials Narrated by Corina Carmona


Jing Tutorial on Whyville
Whyville is a web based interactive learning community geared for teens and pre-teens in which they can learn about art history, journalism, economics, science, civics, and more on a safe and monitored virtual world.  




Glogsters by Topic created by Corina Carmona






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