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Art I Course Calendar

Page history last edited by Corina Carmona 10 years, 1 month ago


Art I Course Calendar


2014 - 2015




1st Six Weeks


Date : Maroon/Black


Art Period

Art History Genre

Daily Assignments

Due Dates

Aug. 25/Aug. 26




Prehistoric Art clip

Not Applicable

Introduction, review of Syllabus, Student Contract,Supply List

Ice Breaker Activity  

Prehistoric Art  

Student Contract 

Ice Breaker Activity

 Aug. 27/Aug. 28





Paleolithic Art

Venus of Willendorf Episode





Paleolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Cave Art Drawing



 Aug. 29/Sept. 1




Neolithic Art




Neolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Soap carving



 Sept. 2/Sept. 3


 River Valley


More Human Than Human Episode

Once Upon a Time Episode

Mesopotamian Art


September 11

Hispanic Heritage Month 

Mesopotamian art vocabulary and artworks,

Prehistoric Art Quiz

Research animal, quote or poem, and type name. 


 Sept. 4/Sept. 5



 Egyptian vocabulary and artwork

Video on Altered book Journal Book Cover


 Sept. 8/Sept. 9


     Egyptian art vocabulary and artwork   Date 

Sept. 10/Sept. 11


   India Indian Vocabulary/ art altered Carlos Merida Abstract Mayan Art

 Sept. 12/Sept. 15


China Vocab/ art art paper molas

 Sept. 16/Sept. 17


Art of the Americas
 Date  Date Date  
Pre-Columbian Art
 Pre-Columbian  vocab art riv valley civ quiz amate painting.

Sept. 18/Sept. 19


  North america
 north america vocab/art amate painting

Sept. 22/23


Mesoamerica vocab/art diego rivera miguel covarrubias graphite drawing.

Sept. 24/25



Sept. 26/29


  South america
south america vocab/art graphite drawing.  continuted

Sept 30/Oct. 1


Journals due 
Review for six weeks exam 
Crititique cave painting soap carving, egyptian drawing and hispanic heritage art  Date  

Oct. 2/3


Exam Exam Critique  



2nd Six Weeks


Date : Maroon/Black


Art Period

Art History Genre

Daily Assignments

Due Dates

Oct. 6/7




Prehistoric Art clip

Not Applicable

Introduction, review of Syllabus, Student Contract,Supply List

Ice Breaker Activity  

Prehistoric Art  

Student Contract 

Ice Breaker Activity

Oct. 8/9





Paleolithic Art

Venus of Willendorf Episode





Paleolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Cave Art Drawing



Oct. 10/14




Neolithic Art




Neolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Soap carving



Oct. 15/16


 River Valley


More Human Than Human Episode

Once Upon a Time Episode

Mesopotamian Art



Mesopotamian art vocabulary and artworks,

Prehistoric Art Quiz

Research animal, quote or poem, and type name. 


Oct. 17/20



 Egyptian vocabulary and artwork

Video on Altered book Journal Book Cover


Oct. 21/22


     Egyptian art vocabulary and artwork   Date 

Oct. 23/24


   India Indian Vocabulary/ art altered Carlos Merida Abstract Mayan Art

Oct. 27/28


China Vocab/ art art paper molas

Oct. 29/30


Art of the Americas
 Date  Date Date  
Pre-Columbian Art
American Indian Heritage Month
 Pre-Columbian  vocab art riv valley civ quiz amate painting.

Oct. 31/Nov. 3


  North america
 north america vocab/art amate painting

Nov. 4/5


Mesoamerica vocab/art diego rivera miguel covarrubias graphite drawing.

Nov. 6/7





3rd Six Weeks


Date : Maroon/Black


Art Period

Art History Genre

Daily Assignments

Due Dates

Nov. 10/11




Prehistoric Art clip

Not Applicable

Introduction, review of Syllabus, Student Contract,Supply List

Ice Breaker Activity  

Prehistoric Art  

Student Contract 

Ice Breaker Activity

Nov. 12/13





Paleolithic Art

Venus of Willendorf Episode





Paleolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Cave Art Drawing



Nov. 14/17




Neolithic Art




Neolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Soap carving



Nov. 18/19


 River Valley


More Human Than Human Episode

Once Upon a Time Episode

Mesopotamian Art



Mesopotamian art vocabulary and artworks,

Prehistoric Art Quiz

Research animal, quote or poem, and type name. 


Nov. 20/21



 Egyptian vocabulary and artwork

Video on Altered book Journal Book Cover


Dec. 1/2


     Egyptian art vocabulary and artwork   Date 

Dec. 3/4



   India Indian Vocabulary/ art altered Carlos Merida Abstract Mayan Art

Dec. 5/8


China Vocab/ art art paper molas

Dec. 9/10


Art of the Americas
 Date  Date Date  
Pre-Columbian Art
 Pre-Columbian  vocab art riv valley civ quiz amate painting.

Dec. 11/12


  North america
 north america vocab/art amate painting

Dec. 15/16


Mesoamerica vocab/art diego rivera miguel covarrubias graphite drawing.

Dec. 17/18



Dec. 19


  South america
south america vocab/art graphite drawing.  continuted




4th Six Weeks


Date : Maroon/Black


Art Period

Art History Genre

Daily Assignments

Due Dates

Jan.7 Black




Prehistoric Art clip

Not Applicable

Introduction, review of Syllabus, Student Contract,Supply List

Ice Breaker Activity  

Prehistoric Art  

Student Contract 

Ice Breaker Activity






Paleolithic Art

Venus of Willendorf Episode





Paleolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Cave Art Drawing







Neolithic Art




Neolithic art vocabulary and artworks

Soap carving





 River Valley


More Human Than Human Episode

Once Upon a Time Episode

Mesopotamian Art



Mesopotamian art vocabulary and artworks,

Prehistoric Art Quiz

Research animal, quote or poem, and type name. 





 Egyptian vocabulary and artwork

Video on Altered book Journal Book Cover




     Egyptian art vocabulary and artwork   Date 



   India Indian Vocabulary/ art altered Carlos Merida Abstract Mayan Art




China Vocab/ art art paper molas



Art of the Americas
 Date  Date Date  
Pre-Columbian Art
Black History Month
 Pre-Columbian  vocab art riv valley civ quiz amate painting.

Jan.30/Feb. 3


  North america
 north america vocab/art amate painting

Feb. 4/5


Mesoamerica vocab/art diego rivera miguel covarrubias graphite drawing.

Feb. 6/9



Feb. 10/11


  South america
south america vocab/art graphite drawing.  continuted

Feb. 12/13


Journals due 
Review for six weeks exam 
Crititique cave painting soap carving, egyptian drawing and hispanic heritage art  Date  

Feb. 16/17


Exam Exam Critique  

Feb. 18/19


Feb. 20 Maroon        



5th Six Weeks


Date : Maroon/Black


Art Period

Art History Genre

Daily Assignments

Due Dates

Feb. 23/24







Student Contract 

Ice Breaker Activity

Feb. 25/26






Women's History Month 







Feb. 27/ Mar.2











 Mar. 3/4








 Mar. 5/6





 Mar. 16/17



 Mar. 18/19



 Mar. 20/23



 Mar. 24/25



 Mar. 26/27



 Mar. 30/31




English I EOC /English II EOC


Apr. 1/2



Apr. 7/8



Apr. 9/10



Apr. 13/14


Apr. 15/16   Six Weeks Exams     
Apr. 17Maroon   Six Weeks Exams     



6th Six Weeks


Date : Maroon/Black


Art Period

Art History Genre

Daily Assignments

Due Dates

Apr. 20/21






NCES/TIMSS Adv. Physics and Calculus 12th only


Student Contract 

Ice Breaker Activity

Apr. 22/23






ACT Aspire




Apr. 24/27




Neolithic Art


Asian Pacific American Month 




Apr. 28/29







Apr. 30/ May 1



May 4/5



May 6/7



May 8/11



May 12/13



May 14/15



May 18/19



May 20/21



May 22/25



May 26/27



May 28/29


Jun. 1/2        
Jun. 3/4        







Public Art



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